Accelerate your international recruitment

Expand your global reach: Access our network
reaching students in key source markets
Drive conversion: Data-driven insights to target
students most likely to convert
Find right-fit students: Attract students most likely
to stay and succeed

Be found by your right-fit students through Accelerate

Our international education partners in 90+ countries use our platform to find the right programs and institutions for their student candidates leading to better qualified applicants who are more likely to enrol.
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Accelerate combines technology, data and our in-market presence to match right-fit students to your campus. Here’s how it works:

  1. Once signed up, your institution will have a dedicated page on Accelerate and a complete listing of your course details, all approved by you.
  2. Our recruitment partners will access your institution information such as key differentiators, offerings, requirements and entrance requirements to match right-fit students.
  3. International student enquiries and applications will go into the system and be screened by our in-market staff based on your admission requirements.
  4. The application is submitted through your standard process and you have full control over the Admissions decision.
  5. After an offer is issued, conversion is driven through the AI-based platform and is supported by our in-market staff.

Watch this video to learn how Accelerate helps you reach the right students and scale up your international enrolments.

Diversify your student mix

We understand how important it is for your campus to host a thriving, multicultural mix of students. Diversifying your student mix allows for a rich educational experience, makes way for collaboration and leads to innovation in and beyond the campus. Diversity promotes a global mindset that benefits society at large.

Use Accelerate to target different student markets across the globe. Our managed network of 3,000 professional recruitment partners will complement your efforts.

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Expand your global reach

Accelerate is used by our partners, located in key student markets, to match students to the programs that are most suitable for them. Joining Accelerate means you get access to our extensive network and you also get the opportunity to pitch your brand to a global audience. 

Attract right-fit students

As educators, we recognise the significance of maintaining high student retention rates for your institution. Because international students from different parts of the world have various motivations for studying, we match students who have the best chance for retention success and the most to gain from your institution’s unique opportunities. Use Accelerate to target the right profile and quality of students for your campus.

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Working with us is easy.

Our partnership model is simple, straightforward and risk free. Contact us and find out more.

Contact us